Sunday, February 19, 2006

A way with words.

I've noticed quite often that I attempt to look and sound smarter than I am when I write. Many times I'll use a more extensive vocabulary in writing than I do when I am in simple conversation with someone. Also, I focus a lot more on being grammatically correct when I write than I do when I speak. Oh, and spelling. . .I can hardly stand incorrect spelling when I read or write something, and if I'm unsure about the spelling I most definitely have to check it, correcting it if need be. I believe the reason for this obsessive compulsion is due to the fact that written words are more immortalized than spoken words. Written words are (or can be) recorded to last forever, or close to it. Written words are also more easily remembered in most cases, and more often quoted. Does this mean I have a desire to be immortalized? If so, is that a bad thing? After all, nothing in this world compares to what God has in store. The answer, ironically, is not yes or no, but I already am immortalized in Him. I've already been guaranteed everlasting life with Him. So what does it matter if I write using correct grammar or spelling? Nothing more than to impress those on this earth, which isn't really necessary. I guess it's just a satisfaction to use that with which I have been educated in its proper manner. An expression of intelligence isn't a bad thing. On the contrary, it is good to express that which we have learned. I've just got to remember that my intellect is mere stupidity compared to the Omniscience of God, and not let myself become arrogant to the point of forgetting to keep my focus on Him. He is my rock and my salvation. I must keep my faith in Him and continue to trust Him with my life. Who knows what the Almighty has in store for me and my family? Only He does. Well, that's it for now. There's more to come, so stay tuned.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

My bride.

My closest friend here on earth. I love you, Kristine!

It's all Greek to me.

I recently just recovered from Greek class. I'm in my second semester of Greek, and have learned, more than anything, that I don't know Greek. I know the alphabet, the sounds of each of the letters and diphthongs, and certain vocab words. I am even starting to learn (slowly, but surely) the declensions and tenses of Greek. To be quite honest, though, Greek to me has only one tense. . . the "in" tense. It causes me to be tense. Really, that's all Greek consists of besides utter confusion. Those are the ingredients to Greek: Cool, completely different alphabet; tension which ironically involves tenses; and confusion. As long as you have the Greek alphabet down, just get really tense and confused and there you have it! You now know Greek (at least as well as I do). Well, enough venting for now. I'll write again soon, so stay tuned.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

"God Is a Wild Man."

It amazes me that Someone so out of the ordinary chooses to use the ordinary (which may be why it's out of the ordinary). Kristine and I both started to feel that God was about to do something big in our lives. . . still do. I know feelings aren't everything to base anything on, so we've also been studying the Bible and praying, just looking for any guidance we can get. Both of us started feeling this way though, without any influence from the other. God's wierd like that. We still don't know exactly what it is, if anything, but we do know what we want-- to do whatever it is that He's got in store. It's scary and exciting to know all the potential and possibilities that are before us, and we know we've just got to look to God in whatever it is we do. We also know that God will use us wherever we are, because He's with us. It's the person, not the place (great words of advice, Dan). However, if He has a different place for us to serve, that's where we want to be. I guess what I'm trying to get at is pray for us; pray that in whatever it is that God has for us, we will willfully and joyfully follow. And pray that we will see clearly what and where it is that He would have us serve. The end for now, and as Timothy says (I seem to quote him a lot), "Much love." Stay tuned.

The brilliant frustation

So, it's Wednesday. I'm a bit on edge due to having the responsibility to teach the teen class tonight at church. Also, Kristine is still sick, and hating it. She went to the doctor yesterday to receive the diagnosis-- a sinus infection. So she was given some antibiotics and cough medicine, and is doing whatever she can to recover and get back to work. The brilliant frustration of mine is basketball. . . and the fact that I haven't been able to play a game with someone of my calibur or better since Early last year. What makes it worse is hearing and reading about it, not only of pro and college basketball, but from close friends and family. David goes weekly to play with people his age or older, and Timothy played for the first time in a long time on Saturday. Both have eagerly let me know how much they enjoy it. I would love to play with some people taller than 4 1/2 feet tall that can actually compete with me. Oh, well. . . I guess that just proves my love for the game. It's like an unreachable itch. I'm almost to the point where I can't stand it. Unfortunately, I'll have to wait a bit longer. I guess that's all I've got for now. Continue to keep us in your prayers, and stay tuned.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

A cold kinda day.

Well, today is the kind of day where you just want to sit (or lay) around sipping hot cocoa and watching TV. . . . or catching up on it, as Timothy put it. It's cold, somewhat miserable-looking outside, and Kristine topped it off with having a cold of her own. Yup, as miserable as it may look outside, Kristine feels just as miserable, coughing and having a sore throat since early this morning. We did manage to make it to Sunday School this morning, but this evening didn't work out so well. We've taken the time to rest, especially since Kristine has to work in the morning. She gets off at 11:45, though, so she'll hopefully take the afternoon to recuperate. Aside from the weather and Kristine being under the weather, though, everything seems to be good with this Woodring family. Oh, and kudos to Tim for the 33% from the arc and the frawesome moves on the court. Well, I guess that's all for now. Keep us in your prayers. I gotta hankerin' for something sweet. . . . stay tuned.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Snow is cold.

Hey, few people who actually read this! I'm only blogging today because 1) I have nothing more to do on a cold snowy day, and 2) I'm trying to discipline myself in keeping up with my blog. If you're squinting and rubbing your eyes to make sure you read right, you did....It's snowing in Arkansas! And it is unbearably cold. I hate the cold. I've prayed on many occasions that God change the snow to warm, but that's yet to happen. Yesterday was good, but nothing too wonderful worth blogging about that I can think of. Today, though, Kristine was off work, so we took the day together to simply hang of my favorite things to do. It's so good just to be able to have fun and relax with her. We have so many laughs and so much fun on days like these. Right now, we're just chillin' out with a neighbor of ours, and watching our next-door-neighbor's baby-- the sequel(David S. Standridge II). Anywho, besides stalling to do dishes and enjoying the day off, there isn't much else going on. With that being said, I guess I can end with thanks for reading, and stay tuned.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Jonathan Posted by Picasa

Getting started....

Hey, everyone! I, too, am jumping into this whole 'blog' trend....I don't really know why, but it just seems fun. Since the day is also "just getting started", I'll just summarize yesterday's activities: they were great! (Well, for the most part) Work was about the only thing that I could've gone without yesterday, though that's usually not the case. As I was getting ready for school yesterday, I noticed our rent bill sitting on our recliner. I opened it to see the damage and, lo and behold, we were in the POSITIVE over $250! Someone anonymously paid for our rent (which we were behind slightly, but catching up) $1,387.87. I don't know who or how it was done, but it is a tremendous blessing! God definetly had his hand in it. Oh, and if whoever helped so graciously is reading this, I could never thank you enough for it. Also, when I arrived at school, I walked into class just to find everyone getting ready to leave, including the prof. They had decided, not only to follow Jesus, but also to go to a cozy little diner for breakfast. Awesome! The rest of the day couldn't (and didn't) go bad after all of that. Thank God for blessing us the way He does so many times. Well, I'm done for now. I'll do what I can to keep this up, so stay tuned!