Now that that's done, let me tell ya about Christmas. Our Christmas started Friday, December 15th with my Parents and brother coming to visit. We went to Applebee's for dinner after picking up Kristine from work and then headed back to our apartment to exchange gifts. We enjoyed the gifts we all received, but I must say the best was the time we got to spend with family. However, Kristine and I did receive the video camera we both requested as well as a stroller/car seat combo. Frawesome. That Saturday, we headed to Prescott and had our extended family Christmas at my grandmother's house. It was great to see everyone again, and the excitement of spending time with one another far exceeded our anticipation to open gifts. In fact, everyone seemed to be more interested in watching a movie than opening presents. Sunday afternoon we had lunch at my Aunt Karen's house and had the Woodring Christmas exchange. Sunday night presented us with a Christmas play at White Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church, which included my two cousins. All in all, it was a great weekend.

The following Friday, Christmas picked back up with a flight to Louisville, Kentucky. Upon arrival, Kristine's parents and brother were there ready to take us back to Bloomfield. We arrived at their house at about 1:40 a.m. (By the way, Kristine and I flew for the first time and must say we loved it. It's much preferred over driving for 10 hours.) We had the Gregg family Christmas on Saturday evening and, though there seemed to be quite a few family members absent, we had fun seeing everyone that was there. Sunday, we attended Hebron Baptist Church. David Gregg, Kristine's brother, preached the morning service and I preached that evening. We spent lunch with both sets of Kristine's grandparents, sharing stories and talking about jam. That evening after services we had Christmas with Kristine's family. It went well, but yet again the best part was spending time with people we love. I guess I'm growing up. On our way back, Kristine and I got to see the tops of clouds, which are awesome. It was a lot of fun. Thank you to all who spent time with us this Christmas. You made it a great holiday season.
As the holiday season concludes, our baby season continues, as does Kristine's belly expansion. Here's a couple of recent photos of the baby bubble (12/28/2006).
Well, that's it for now. We hope everyone had a great Christmas, and Happy New Year. Stay tuned.