Saturday, May 20, 2006

Twenty-two today.

I have arrived at the twenty-two year mark in my life. Is this a great feat that has been accomplished? I don't really know. But I must say, I like the number. Two identical numbers side by side. It just looks kinda cool. Plus, due to the influence of David Story, I'm a bit biased about this double duece number. It is his favorite number, as well as the day of his birth (June 22). Anywho, I can say I've enjoyed the majority of my life up to this point. God has truly blessed me. I thank Him for all the people He's surrounded me with over the years. That being said, thank you to all who have been a part of my life. You've made it a fun ride so far. That's it for now, but there's more to come, so stay tuned.

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